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At Involve the Children, we believe in the power of nurturing both the environment and the potential of our children and youth.

We are all about cultivating a new generation of environmental stewards, especially from marginalized rural communities, which disproportionately bear the brunt of climate change.

In a hands-on, direct and consistent manner, we involve children from these communities in

environmental conservation initiatives, aimed at galvanizing local efforts towards tackling climate change , building resilience, and imparting values in children that will equip them to better face the challenge.

Today, we’re diving into the fruitful world of Hass avocado farming and how it’s not just about growing trees, but also growing resilience, prosperity, and hope for vulnerable families across Kenya.

In rural Kenya, where poverty and environmental challenges intersect, planting trees isn’t just about greening the landscape – it’s about securing livelihoods and safeguarding against the impacts of climate change. That’s why at Involve the Children, we’re passionate about providing trees that offer more than just shade.

Enter the Hass avocado tree – a beacon of hope for communities looking to build resilience and prosperity. With its creamy texture and rich flavor, the Hass avocado isn’t just a favorite in local markets; it’s also a lucrative crop in the global export market.

What sets the Hass avocado apart? Let’s break it down:

Culinary Excellence: Loved for its culinary versatility, the Hass avocado adds a creamy touch to salads, sandwiches, and dips, making it a staple in kitchens worldwide.

Extended Shelf Life: With its longer shelf life, the Hass variety is perfectly suited for long-distance shipping, opening up lucrative export opportunities for Kenyan farmers.

Profit Potential: Speaking of opportunities, the financial returns from Hass avocado farming are nothing short of promising. With premium prices in both local and international markets, cultivating Hass avocados can be a game-changer for small-scale farmers.

Space Efficiency: Unlike other varieties that require more space, the Hass avocado tree thrives in smaller plots, making it accessible to farmers with limited land resources.

Luckily for us, the Hass avocado variety grows well in many parts of Kenya and has become a crop of focus for the national government, the county governments and local farming communities, given its potential in alleviating poverty.

Farmgate prices for mature Hass avocado fruits have ranged between Sh. 15-20 over the last few seasons and given that a well tended tree can yield up to 1,500 fruits per year, it is easy to see the appeal of this wonder fruit in fighting poverty for many impoverished rural families, many of whom live below the poverty line.

By empowering children and their families to become guardians of their environment and creators of their destiny, we’re sowing the seeds of a brighter tomorrow. In an important way,  we are also showing them what is possible if we take small, consistent actions towards our goals.

Join us today and be a part of the change you wish to see in the world, one tree at a time.

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