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Involve the Children, a non-profit organization situated in Kenya, relies on the generous support of donors, well-wishers, and volunteers to fulfill its mission

Our core objective is to advocate for and facilitate the engagement of children from impoverished rural communities in environmental conservation efforts. This endeavor is crucial because these communities, heavily reliant on subsistence farming, bear the brunt of adverse climate change impacts and erratic weather patterns.

In times of drought or floods, rural communities suffer the loss of livestock, failed crop seasons, and property damage, exacerbating risks of malnutrition, disease, and displacement, especially among children. Disruptions to schooling further compound these challenges.

While external aid plays a role in mitigating immediate hardships, we believe sustainable change lies in nurturing a new generation of environmental stewards within these communities.
This is why we are keen on local solutions.

Our solution involves the use of tree-growing initiatives as a platform to engage with children, emphasizing not only planting trees but also nurturing them to maturity. This approach accomplishes more than just grown trees: it instills values of responsibility, discipline, and environmental stewardship among participants. Additionally, we provide essential educational support tied to the care of these trees, involving families and communities to foster a sense of shared ownership.

Empowering children to lead local conservation efforts not only inspires their communities but also fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility towards environmental sustainability. We recognize that collective individual actions, when taken consistently, can yield significant results. For instance, if each person were to properly dispose of plastic waste, we could substantially reduce aquatic pollution. Similarly, if half of the global population committed to planting one tree annually, the collective impact over a decade would be profound – 40 billion new trees every 10 years (just short of the total number of trees estimated to be on the African continent by in 2022)

Our organization focuses its efforts primarily on impoverished rural areas in Kenya, where the impacts of climate change are most acutely felt. We also extend our reach to overlooked communities, such as those residing on the fringes of large agricultural projects, where poverty persists despite outward appearances of prosperity. These areas often lack attention from governmental and development agencies, leaving families vulnerable and children’s futures uncertain. Despite our dedication, we face limitations in resources and capacity, resulting in the regrettable necessity of turning down swathes of deserving applicants. We appeal to potential partners to join us in this transformative journey because while the work is challenging, the opportunity to catalyze change, offer hope to children, and transform lives is profoundly rewarding. We invite you to stand with us in making a tangible difference. Join us today!

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