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The Problem

In rural Africa, children bear a disproportionate burden from climate change due to their communities' reliance on subsistence agriculture, exposing them to risks like food insecurity and displacement. Limited access to basic services compounds their challenges.

In impoverished rural Kenyan communities, children endure poverty and environmental degradation, progressively dimming their prospects.

Without inclusive interventions, they risk being marginalized and lack the tools to address these serious challenges.

Urgent action is required to engage them in environmental conservation, harnessing their untapped potential for resilience and sustainable futures.

What We Do

Our Solution

Our proposed solution is straightforward: involve the children in environmental conservation efforts, particularly through tree planting.

The aim is to instill important life values during childhood, emphasizing the significance of caring for the environment and fostering qualities like kindness, responsibility, respect, and hard work. Tree planting also provides a practical means for children, their families and communities, to make a contribution in the fight against adverse climate change.

Acknowledging the time and care trees require to grow, our strategy includes creating economic and social incentives around tree planting and caring for children from poor rural backgrounds. These incentives are geared towards ensuring that each child we engage is able to access a significantly higher quality of education than they would otherwise have. In many cases, the education support we provide means the difference between being able to attend school or not.

How we Involve the children

Before each school year, we identify areas where children face serious challenges in accessing quality education, particularly poor rural areas, with a view of engaging children in those communities in our programs.

Through a careful appraisal process involving community members, teachers, social workers and administrative officials, we select children in the greatest need.

After signing engagement memorandums with caretakers, we conduct an initial training session to explain our programs in detail and align expectations on both sides. The children receive tree seedling, tools and training to care for them, involving family members in the process.

Before the beginning of each successive school term, we evaluate the children’s efforts caring for the trees, assigning economic incentives for each tree. Those incentives are translated into financial and/or material support for that child’s education.

Additionally, we organize get-together events for the children to play, enjoy treats, and to be mentored by selected speakers and partners, emphasizing the importance of having dreams and pursuing them. Without our initiative, and generous support from our donors, a vast majority of the children we support may never benefit from such experiences.

Children and tree planting

Our tree planting program is the primary platform through which we engage and involve the children we support.

The program is designed to empower children from impoverished rural areas in Kenya’s hinterland. Through this initiative, children are not only given tree seedlings to plant and nurture but also provided with essential material and financial support for their education. This approach serves a dual purpose: first, it instills environmental stewardship and a sense of responsibility towards nature in the children, fostering a sustainable mindset from a young age. Secondly, by supporting their education, we ensure that these children have access to the tools and resources necessary to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for themselves and their communities. Through the act of tree planting, children not only contribute to the preservation of the environment but also learn valuable lessons about perseverance, patience, and the interconnectedness of ecosystems, laying the foundation for holistic development and lifelong learning.

Education Support

Education Support at our organization is not merely about providing financial assistance; it’s about investing in the future of underserved communities. Through our program, we strive to break down barriers to education for children from impoverished backgrounds in Kenya’s rural areas. By offering material and financial support, we empower these children to pursue their academic aspirations and unlock their full potential. We believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and creating opportunities for a brighter tomorrow. With our commitment to providing resources, mentorship, and encouragement, we aim to inspire and equip the next generation of leaders, innovators, and changemakers to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

Where We Work

Our work takes us to the heart of Kenya’s hinterland, where rural, forgotten, and marginalized communities reside. In these often-overlooked areas, we focus our efforts on empowering children who have access to land, whether it be family-owned, school property, or community land graciously made available to us. These spaces become more than just patches of earth; they serve as classrooms for environmental stewardship and hubs of sustainable development. Operating primarily in regions with limited government and humanitarian support, we strive to fill critical gaps in education, livelihoods, and environmental conservation. Through our collaborative partnerships and grassroots initiatives, we endeavor to bring hope, opportunity, and lasting change to those who need it most in the remote corners of our nation.

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