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About Us

Who We Are

We are a non-profit devoted to involving the children in finding solutions for some of the most serious challenges we face as a society.

Why we involve the children

  • The best long-term outcomes are achieved by instilling positive values in childhood, values like respect,responsibility, discipline and hardwork.
  • Children, regardless of background, can actively contribute to addressing societal challenges; they are not mere bystanders but part of the solution. The earlier they get involved, the better.
  • In parts of the world where children are faced with great adversity, it is essential to expose them to positive aspects and opportunities in their childhood as a way of giving them hope.
  • Despite their interest in caring for the environment, children often lack opportunities and support to demonstrate their commitment, so we aim to provide those opportunities.
  • Many poor families we speak to appreciate help but desire opportunities for meaningful collaboration rather than just being recipients of charity.
  • There is a genuine love for children at the core of our mission.

Our Commitment

Our Mission

We aim to cultivate a deep commitment to environmental stewardship in underprivileged children while disrupting the cycle of poverty through education support.

We wake up every day eager to rededicate ourselves to the task of involving children from poor rural areas to inculcate a sense of responsibility and respect for the environment while supporting them to access a higher quality of education so that they can make a difference for themselves and for their communities.

We strive to equip young minds with knowledge and values that not only transform their lives but also contribute to the sustainable conservation of our planet.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every child,regardless of their background, is inspired to be a guardian of the environment and has access to quality education.

We aspire to be the catalyst for positive change, cultivating a generation of leaders who are not only academically successful but also passionate advocates for the environment.

We are working towards a future where millions of children will look back with pride at the things they were able to achieve, the knowledge and wisdom they gained, and the actual, tangible contribution they made to the betterment of our planet

Our Values


We are driven by an engulfing passion for education and conservation, fueling our commitment to make a lasting impact on the lives of disadvantaged children and the environment.


We embrace challenges with resilience, adapting and persisting to overcome obstacles in our pursuit of positive change. That way, we can be a good example to the children and communities we support.


We foster an open and inclusive environment, valuing diverse perspectives, ideas, and collaborations that enrich our mission.


We believe in the power of generosity, extending a helping hand to those in need and sharing resources to uplift communities.


We fiercely uphold a sense of responsibility towards the well-being of children from underprivileged communities, their education, and the conservation of our planet.


We approach our work with empathy, understanding the unique needs and challenges of the children and communities we serve.


We are committed to sustainable practices, ensuring that our programs have a positive and enduring impact on both the children we support and the environment.


Our core value of service drives us to go above and beyond, putting the needs of others first and making a meaningful difference in the world.

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